Thursday, March 1, 2007


What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

I think the climax of The lord of the flies is Jack went out Ralph’s group with his hunters and steal Piggy’s glasses and fight with him. Jack always doesn’t like Ralph and he doesn’t want to obey to Ralph. Finally the group is separated. After Jack makes his own group he had barbeque party so many children went to Jack to eat meat, because with Ralph, they couldn’t eat meat often. So Ralph, Piggy, and twins left only. But later, there is only Ralph. The reason why there is only Ralph is Jack killed Piggy and twins went to Jack. Before Jack killed Piggy, he came to Ralph at night and steal Piggy’s glasses to make fire. Before they steal glasses the stole fire from Ralph. Killing Piggy and fighting with them show me that instinct of people. This instinct shows evil side of people. That instinct makes my feel scared, because I could image that my friend could change if they are in front of death.

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