Thursday, March 1, 2007


What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of the lord of the flies is in the community, there would be obstacle. Therefore that obstacle could make the community separated. And follow to law or leader. This novel tells us problem in the small island instead of tell about big community. In this novel, Jack is the obstacle of the group and he doesn’t follow the rules. He always doesn't follow leader Ralph. Later he went out from the group and made another group. Don’t follow rules or disobey to leader could be major trouble in community. In my opinion, this situation never happens in community. Therefore this is the main theme of this novel. And this theme is important to a teenager living in 2007. Reasons why I think this theme is important to a teenager are teenagers are easy to be resist and they don't know that resistant is right or wrong. I mean they easily can be like Jack. If they grow up wrong way, then they could be obstacle of the community. I’m a teenager also. So I can understand them and I know being wrong is easy. But being good again is really hard. So teenagers should get good education to be nice. In this novel, Ralph is like an educator. If there are lots of obstacles, then the community would not be peaceful and there would be no right system to be good community.

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